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Partnerships Through Performance

Music, arts and culture are embedded in the Foundation’s DNA, and it is part of our charitable strategy to promote the pursuit and appreciation of the arts.

We strongly believe that the creative arts are not only a key thread strengthening our social fabric, but are also joy inducing, increasing the physical and mental well-being of those who take part. We are fortunate that the town of Warwick shares our appreciation for music, art and culture and this has enabled us to collaborate on many exciting projects, spreading joy through music and performance:

Warwick - A Singing Town

Warwick - A Signing Town was founded by the Foundation with the aim of spreading the benefits of singing to CV34 postcode schools and residents.

Through the organisation, all CV34 primary schools receive weekly visits from a team of choral entrepreneurs, who lead sessions with the children to develop their confidence and passion for singing. Each school determines the practical delivery of the session, enabling the singing town to reach the largest possible number of students, in a way that is beneficial to the specific needs of each partner school. Choral entrepreneurs also coordinate between the schools, developing further linkages in our community. They are responsible for the organisation and delivery of cross-school events and performances, which the public are welcome to attend.

As singing is an ageless pursuit, the organisation additionally focuses on creating singing spaces, workshops and events for all residents of the CV34 postcode - not just our local children. For example, The Big Local Night Out hosted at the Foundation’s Bridgewater Theatre was a successful way of bringing the Warwickshire community together, particularly those who wouldn’t usually engage with singing or the musical arts. The event involved a variety of performances showcasing music of many different genres as well as stand-up comedy and drama.

This year, the Town have particularly focused on promoting the physical and mental wellbeing effects of singing - Wellbeing Choirs have been set up in multiple CV34 partner schools and as part of community singing groups for adults. Links have been developed with local hospitals and GP practises, and Warwick - A Singing Town is now referred to by medical professionals when social prescribing.

The aim is to connect people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.



Orchestra of the Swan

The Orchestra of the Swan is the Foundation’s resident Orchestra, and provides the local community with a wealth of music experiences, workshops and performances to partake in and attend.

CV34 schools are invited for an annual “Come and Play” day, where they are encouraged to trial a variety of orchestral instruments and play alongside the Orchestra members. The Orchestra also put on yearly music workshops at CV34 schools, where they visit the schools to deliver instrumental lessons and workshops for students already pursuing an instrument. Pieces are regularly performed at the Foundation’s Bridge House Theatre, which the public are welcome to attend.

“It was an absolutely amazing morning. All of our students loved it and the musicians made it so accessible for them. We have a very diverse cohort of students here but the musicians were able to accommodate and make their sessions suitable for everyone. Lots of staff have commented how brilliant it was too. We would love to work with the orchestra again.”- Nick Evans, Headteacher, Evergreen School



The Bridge House Young Company

The Bridge House Young Company is a young people's theatre company, resident to the Foundation’s  Bridge House Theatre.

The group is made up of young people aged 7-18 who are given the opportunity to work with industry professionals to create high quality theatrical experiences. Based in and around the theatre itself, The Young Company now boasts 45 members from all over Warwick. The company’s work generates a real sense of belonging and identity and fosters ownership of children’s creative pursuits.

The Foundation is able to offer funded places to talented children who do not have the financial means to attend.

The company have also contributed performers to community events, such as the local Regency Ball hosted by a community historical society, which further develops community links throughout Warwickshire.